Family Day Care
Family Focused
Family day care is like no other child care service.
Small groups in a family environment ensure that every child is catered for.
Convenient care for the whole family
Full time, part time, before school, after school and holiday care options tailor to busy families ever changing needs.
Bambini is an “approved service” which can entitle eligible users to the Child Care Subsidy (CCS). Bambini manage and process the Child Care Subsidy on behalf of the parent via the Government’s Child Care System.
Families are responsible for being assessed for any government entitlements.

Family day care is a well established mode of child care which is governed by a set of National Standards administered by the Australian Children’s Education & Care Quality Authority.
Educators registered with Bambini provide children with:
- A safe, comfortable and secure home environment
- Socialisation and developmental play experiences within small groups
- Individual learning plans tailored to each child's needs
- Close relationships with educators and other children
- Consistency of care

All educators registered with Bambini meet the requirements to be an educator as set out in the Education and Care Services National Regulations.
As such educators registered with Bambini:
- Early Childhood Qualifications
- Current working with children check
- First aid, CPR qualifications
- Anaphylaxis, and Epi/Ana pen training
- Asthma training
- Child Safe Training
- Current public liability insurance
Educators registered with Bambini have varying qualifications, experience and services provided; therefore, the fee, which is charged to families varies between educators.
All fees are set independently from other services and range between.
$7.00 and $18.00per hour per child for standard care hours
$7.00 and $35 per child per hour for non-standard hours.
Out of pocket costs will vary pending families child care subsidy assessment.
Families are responsible for paying fees on time, directly to the educator via the EFT method outlined in the care agreement.